「Europe Go International 國際房產集團成功舉辦法國房產投資講座」- 101傳媒報導

May 2023 

Europe Go International國際房產集團,成功舉辦備受期待的法國房地產投資講座,為尋求優質投資機會的投資者們揭開了引人入勝的法國國際房產投資市場說明

本次Europe Go International國際房產投資講座於2023年5月17日於台北及5月18日於台中舉行,吸引了眾多對法國房地產投資感興趣的投資者、媒體朋友和業界專業人士參與。在講座中,由十年以上深耕法國房地產市場的投資達人Debby OU歐碧慧擔任主講人,分享了關於法國房地產市場的最新趨勢及潛在投資機會。

Debby OU歐碧慧作為Europe Go International國際房產公司的負責人,憑藉多年深耕國際房產的豐富經驗及專業知識,向與會者深入介紹了歐洲各國的投資環境、法律和規範,並提供了關於如何選擇和管理房產投資組合的實用建議。講座內容涵蓋了從投資風險評估到物業選擇與管理、租賃業務以及投資回報最大化等方面的專業見解。

此外,Debby OU歐碧慧還分享了她在法國房地產市場取得的成功案例和策略,為參與者提供了實實在在的收益經驗。

Debby OU歐碧慧表示:“作為投資者,了解市場動態和潛力至關重要。通過本次講座,我希望能夠幫助投資者們更好地了解法國房地產市場,把握投資機會,實現財富增值。”

投資者們在講座中積極互動,提出了許多問題,並與Debby OU歐碧慧就個人投資情況進行了深入交流。參與者紛紛表示,這次投資講座為他們提供了寶貴的投資見解和專業指導,讓他們更加有信心和明智地進行法國房地產投資。

歐洲房產市場一直以其多樣性和潛力而聞名,而Europe Go International國際房產集團將繼續致力於為投資者提供優質的法國房地產投資機會。無論是新手投資者還是有經驗的專業人士,他們可以將Debby OU歐碧慧作為理想的導師和合作夥伴,共同開啟成功的投資旅程。

French Market

September 2021

What’s new in this month?

Between lockdowns, the development of work from home and the need for both space and greenery, those are changing:


1. Rural areas boom!

With the crisis, the real estate desires of the French have changed and they are particularly looking for more space. Thus, a study by Meilleurs Agents shows that 42% of French people dream of a larger main residence or one with an additional room.

So much so that prices have increased almost twice as fast as those of apartments (+ 6% against + 3.4% in one year).

This renewed attractiveness is reflected in an increase in annual sales volumes (+ 13% since March 1, 2020). In addition, 33% of goods in rural areas find buyers at the price (vs. 21% before the start of the pandemic)!


2. The concept of semi-principal residence boosted by the health crisis

Second homes are popular!

Some regions who grew only + 4.6% last year, jumped 12.3% this year.

Indirectly, by promoting the development of work from home, the crisis has boosted the second home market and accelerated the concept of semi-principal residence.

"This desire is stronger among people WFH: 51% of French people planning to increase their pace of remote work say they are concerned about the desire for space" a study said.

In the largest cities of France, going from a T1 to a T2 requires the greatest financial effort because the prices per m2 of small surfaces are more expensive there. In Paris, it is the other way around, the most important effort is the change from a 3 to a 4 pieces. This is explained by the price difference per m2 for the largest surfaces (+ 2% for a T4 compared to a T3) 


3. Towards a new real estate geography!

Medium-sized cities fare better and escape the phenomenon of disenchantment. In one year, the Top 40 agglomerations have seen their prices increase by + 4.9% in the city center and 5.8% in the outer suburbs.

Since the start of the year, Limoges has been the medium-sized city that has shown the greatest dynamism. According to the Orpi network, the number of sales there increased by more than 30% from January to June 2021 compared to the same period last year. And prices have soared by 17%. Among the other medium-sized cities that are literally exploding are Cannes, Le Havre, La Rochelle, Reims and Valence.

Cities that are starting to show unprecedented rental tensions, Orpi explains. In Le Havre, for example, demand is such that rents have climbed 9% since the start of the year. The increase is 7% in La Rochelle.


August 2021

The ability of a city to evolve is crucial. The pandemic is, from this point of view, an accelerator of awareness and change. It could even be that this crisis marks a historic turning point in our view of the city and the new priorities that emerge from it. Like all major capitals, Paris has to face many challenges, some answers have already been provided, others have to be taken up at multiple levels. 

Paris holds a very honorable 6th place just behind San Francisco, thanks to its strengths and its dynamic transformation.

The prices of second-hand housing continue to rise. The latter shows an annual increase of 4.1% at the end of June, against 3.3% a year ago at the same time (+ 3.4% in June 2019).

Precision all the same, the increase seems less sharp than at the beginning of the year. Each period of containment has seen a slowdown in the rate of price growth, followed by a restart that more or less quickly wipes out the consequences. But the 3rd lockdown did not have as marked an impact on the price level as the previous ones. Apartment prices are rising the fastest and continue to pull the overall index up, "with + 6.4% year on year in June, a pace not seen for 10 years".

In Paris, the pace of the increase, which recovered at the end of last winter, strengthens over the months: with + 5.9% over one year for signed prices and + 5.7% for prices posted, confirming that the ambitions of sellers are not yet counting on a relaxation of pressure on prices. The increases are more pronounced in 13th of the 20th Parisian districts.